Start Accepting Credit Cards Today! Call 877-347-5900

Today’s Merchant Demands More!

When you accept Visa®, MasterCard®, Discover® and American Express®, it’s having the ability to accept any form of payment from your customers. That makes selling your products and services almost effortless. Encourage customers to buy more! Many items are purchased on impulse, credit cards allow them to spend more and buy more often. Credit cards enhance your business’s impression of credibility and offer increased security and convenience to your customers. If you are doing business face to face or have an Internet store, you need to process credit cards. CardTech can help you set up a merchant account and accept credit cards for less than you could ever imagine. Let us help you make it easy for your customers to swipe or click a mouse day or night to purchase goods.

Benefits of taking Credit Cards & Checks
- Increased volume – Consumers typically spend more when using credit cards.
- Guaranteed payment – The assurance that you will receive the funds when you take a credit card.
- Checks Services – Keeping the options open for all forms of payments.

Accept all Major Credit Cards
- Accept all major credit cards
- No worrying about bounced checks
- ACH online checks Process online in real-time
- Easy to use, web based terminal
- Compatible with most shopping carts
We work with the NFIB to help support the many small businesses found in today’s marketplace we believe that small business is big business.

To Enroll Click Here ↓ www.pcirapidcomply2.com
To Enroll Click Here ↓ www.pcisecuritystandards.org
What is PCI DSS?
The Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard (DSS) is a set of requirements for enhancing payment account data security. These standards were developed by the PCI Security Standards Council, which was founded by American Express, Discover Financial Services, JCB International, MasterCard Worldwide and Visa, Inc. to facilitate industry-wide adoption of consistent data security measures on a global basis. The standard aims to increase awareness and promote best practices in the handling of sensitive information as a means to minimizing identity theft and fraudulent transactions.
The 12 Requirements for PCI DSS Compliance
- Use and Maintain Firewalls. …
- Proper Password Protections. …
- Protect Cardholder Data. …
- Encryption of Transmitted Cardholder Data. …
- Utilize Antivirus and Anti-malware Software. …
- Properly Updated Software. …
- Restrict Data Access. …
- Unique IDs Assigned to Those with Access to Data.
- Restrict Physical Access
- Create and Monitor Access Logs
- Test Security Systems on a Regular Basis
- Document Policies
Start Accepting Credit Cards Today!
- Call 877-347-5900
- Speak with a Representative!

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CardTech Enterprises, Inc. Is a registered ISO of Wells Fargo Bank Concord, CA. The clover, Trademark and Logo are owned by the Clover Network, Inc., A FiServ Company. All other Trademarks, Service Marks, and Trade Names referenced in this material are the property of their Respective Owners.